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python programmingWHY IS PYTHON SO POPULAR?

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, back in 1989. The programming language took off, and now it is being used for a huge number of commercial applications and hobby projects.

Many web developers use Python for their server-side projects, and if you choose to do the same, you will be in good company; YouTube, eBay and PayPal use the same programming language for parts of their web infrastructure.

Nevertheless, Python is known to be slow. You can't create graphics-intensive applications such as 3D games with it, for example. So, why has it become so popular? Let's find out!

1. Phyton is simple and easy to understand.

People of all ages (including kids) choose Python as their first programming language. Syntax is simple and user-friendly. Here's how a "Hello World" application would be written using the C# language:

using System;

namespace HiThere


class Hello


static void Main(string[] args)


Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");




And here's the code that does the same thing in Python:

print("Hello World")

Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

2. Scientists like Python because it gives them the opportunity to create applications which can analyze data without effort. This programming language is known for the huge number of data science libraries; here are just a few examples:

- Scrapy helps people create website scrapers, which can crawl the web just like search engines' spiders do it, and then retrieve the needed information.

- SciPy integrates modules that perform various math operations, including statistics.

- Keras is used to create neural networks, which are used as components for complex AI systems.

- TensorFlow, which has been developed by Google, makes speech recognition, object identification, and other similar tasks a breeze.

3. Python has a huge set of code libraries. This means that you won't have to reinvent the wheel anytime you want to start a new project. If you want to code a web-based application, you can use the Django web framework, which will significantly speed up development and reduce cost. If you want to create graphs and plots, Matplotlib has got your back. NumPy is by far the most popular array-processing library, and the list goes on and on.

4. Python is very versatile. Coders use it for web development, client-side applications, desktop software, hardware interfaces, mobile apps, etc. If you can dream it, Python can probably do it.

5. Believe it or not, Python is IoT-ready. The Internet of Things industry has exploded, and lots of programmers use Python to power their Internet-connected devices. Raspberry Pi fans have built lots of Python projects while allow them to control various sensors, lights, displays, motors, and so on.

6. Python has a very supportive community. Since so many people use it, lots of developers are eager to create guides which can aid others. And I promise that if you run into trouble, you are going to find help fast. Just search YouTube for "python tutorial" and I guarantee that you will find thousands of relevant results.

7. Python isn't going to vanish in the near future. Big corporations such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Rackspace have been sponsoring the platform for years, and this encourages developers to continue to use it, knowing that their beloved programming language will not disappear anytime soon.